Finally after a couple of hours browsing and surveying for the most BEST method to open restricted site that has been blocked by the administrator such in the college, workplace, or school, such as in my college which include you tube, myspace, friendster, tagged and much more.
I did a little testing ago, and it WORKS PERFECTLY + i could log in and log put as though there is no restriction. Moreover its AD FREE, and worked quite fast.
I GIVE 5/5 ^^
I've found and tested on this software and no worry's it is virus FREE then the previous method i use which affect me to format my notebook again "SO Fucked up !!"
The name of the specify software i was talking about is the GODLY UltraSurf, damn ur the greatest software ever build, thank god !
It is a small EXE. There is no need to install the application. Just run in .. where u can put it in your pendrive and use it when your in need of hacking ^^Features
3. Almost all schools, universities and corporate offices raise firewalls to filter out not work related sites, now those firewalls will be of no use or they have to change their plans.
4. Everybody can access various social networks like Orkut, Youtube, Myspace, Hi5, Facebook, Linkedin etc. which are blocked almost in 99% schools and offices.
5. 100% real time and it’s encryption is better then any online banking system.
If you are using browsers other than IE, You have to manually change the proxy settings .
Proxy settings as follows..
But for me, i just set it automatic.. see how it goes guys
SUPPORT My browser : here
Nice share..
I'll downloaded and give it to my wife..hehe.
ha3.. no sweat..
and truly its the best software ever..
carefull bro. jgn smpi kolej tau ko yg provide bende ni...kang kene tindakan (mybe leh trace sebab ko terang2 post kat blog)
ha3.. tak pe ah.. wat selambe jewk..
plus aku tak letak name KPMB :p
hahaha btol2
ha3.. ape gi..
bukak ah myspace anti :p
malas. hahaha
ha3.. poyo jewk.. kite tengok anti :p
sumpah. gi kolej pon jarang. nak layan tenet pekebenda. haha
ha3.. tau ah diewk byk cuti :p