Sneaking up on Apple users like a ninja in the night, new of the next iteration of the Big Cat series of OS updates have trickled through the internet and the guys over at Engadget have an in depth preview of Mac OS X 10.8, Mountain Lion. Now before you start getting excited, remember what happened with the Leorpard to Snow Leopard upgrade? Yup, it's more of the same with the Lion to Mountain Lion upgrade.

Just when you thought that Lion would be the last installment of the OS X chapter, Mountain lion piles on a whole bunch of features (I say features in the most loose possible interpretation) which we have all pretty much seen before in our iOS devices. There is no doubt now that Apple is trying for the whole Unified approach, blurring the lines between iOS device and OS X device even further.

In a very extensive preview, Engadget has gone through some of the new "enhancements" that Mountain Lion has to offer. Among the new additions to 10.8 is the inclusion of the familiar Notification Centre, iMessage, Reminders, Notes, Share Sheets, Twitter Integration, GameCentre and iCloud that we have pretty much all seen already in IOS, into the desktop experience.

To be honest, If constant security updates and patches of that nature weren't a problem, I'd probably give this iteration a miss. I mean, I really don't want my desktop or laptop performing things like my phone/tablet. If this is all that 10.8 has to offer, I say bring 11 on as quickly as possible. The only thing that would make this all better, is if Apple gave this update away. Well since its just a developer preview there might be more up their sleeve, but as it is, MEH.

For a more in depth look into the features, CHECK OUT HERE.


  1. Anonymous said...

    didi u already use oSx mauntain loin  

  2. Anonymous said...

    didi u already use oSx mauntain loin  

  3. Syed Salleh said...

    Nice, i'm still on windows 7..  

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